View Profile Zarchen

5 Movie Reviews

1 w/ Responses

Great stuff.

That was funny, sounds like someone I know... *shifty eyes*
Anyway great animation and good luck with the new microphone.

I loved it.

Great animation, but the gradiant prowlie looked alittle wierd to me. The animation was fluid and excellent.

There was a great plot along which a bit of humor in it. You have to be one of the best flash creators I've seen. Keep it up.

I liked it =D

I thought it was great, maybe edit alittle of it. Nice music with a decent lesson..

It was decent.

It needs to be alittle be longer and maybe make it more exciting to keep people from being bored.

merlinspark responds:

yeah this was a first time flash of mine and I do realise it is kind of short but I couldn't think of what more to put in this one.

It was kinda funny...

Well, I'm not saying that this work is bad, but it isn't much to look at. I've seen many fluid animations that should be ranked around a 3-4 and are better than this in many aspects.

Sure, it was funny and yes, I laughed alittle. The fact that you've made many great flashes causes people to rate things higher than they should be due to your popularity, even if the actual animations and such were poor, or rather nonexistant. They're just a few edited pictures put together with a narration. I rated it a 5
because you could have done better.

I do realize that you said if it would upset you don't watch. The lack of animation didn't upset me, just the such high score compared to some of the more decent flashes.

I just wanted to put a point across, so please don't hate me or take it the wrong way, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

In a world without darkness there can be no light.

Jack @Zarchen

Age 41, Male

Correctional Officer



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